Monday, November 25, 2019

globalism essays

globalism essays Globalization is an historical process that began with the first movement of people out of Africa into other parts of the world. Traveling short, then longer distances, migrants, merchants, and others have always taken their ideas, customs, and products into new lands. The melding, borrowing, and adaptation of outside influences can be found in many areas of human life. .At the same time, some inevitably particular problems have risen along with the development of it. You may wonder ,why we should settle the problem in these international fields through the cooperation .Take the environmental pollution as an example. It is clear that the earth is a integrated one which is the only proper and beautiful lanet for us to live on .So the problem of the international nature only can be solved by an unified manner that needs many people devoting to them . Therefore ,we need many experts and generalists on various aspects to recover and protect our home earth! According to de world band report ,the nest 50years could see a fourfold increase in the size of the global economy and significant reductions in poverty but only if governments act now to avert a growing risk of severe damage to the environment and profound social unrest .without better politics and institutions, social and environment strains may derail development progress leading to higher poverty levels and decline in the quality of life for everybody. In the first place, we may consider, what is the circumstance like today in global competent we need many people who can understands each other precisely and logically when the communication are needed in the cooperation and intercourse .So the language is the premiere issue to address the further question in future. Now most of us consider the English as the world language so that all of the nations should support the education on the English to nurture more students who can master it to make a friendly relatio...

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